Vacation Bible School Observation Report

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Just a few days ago, I found a quiz that helped me determine if I showed any bias towards African Americans. Surprisingly, the results concluded that I viewed African Americans and European Americans in an equal manner, but if I was to take this quiz when I was eight years old the results would have been radically different. Ever since I was a little girl, I always had the impression that African Americans were very dangerous people due to the color of their skin. I came to this theory because when I was in second grade, there was a boy in my neighborhood that didn’t have any respect for his peers or elders. He would tease me, harass me, and he even trespassed on another neighbor’s property. I was scarred by this event in my life, and I rarely viewed African Americans in a positive way. However, this past summer changed my whole entire perspective.

To start off, I was a part of a mission trip known as “Surge,” and our mission consisted of going to Evergreen Terrace in Downtown Joliet and leading a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the kids. I was assigned to help teach basketball to a group of boys in the morning, and then I taught dance to a few girls in the afternoon. I was completely overwhelmed with fear and anxiety because I had no idea how I would relate with these kids since they were black. The time came for our VBS to start, and it was a …show more content…

Over the course of this mission trip, I was able to meet many wonderful, unique, and important children, and they demonstrated that race doesn’t define a person; it’s the choices a person makes, how they are influenced in society, and the special talents a person has that represents who they are today. Can you even imagine what our society would be like if we didn’t focus on race? I am very thankful that I was able to work with these children because I learned that everyone is unique in their own way, no matter what the color of their skin

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