Road Trip Research Paper

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We just love to travel and every summer we dedicate a road trip to a state of our choice. A state that we can explore and do fun things together as a family. It's something that we have done for the past few years and one that has now become a tradition. However, it has not always been that way for me. At one point I couldn't travel 5 miles before motion sickness kicked in and I begged to be let out of the car. It was no fun for me and most certainly no fun for the kids either, and I knew that I just had to do something about it. Apparently my motion sickness doesn't just stop at me, my youngest son Mikael and my daughter Madison also experience it, but that's another story. Today I want to share how I am able to now experience my trips with …show more content…

I was actually in the Caribbean on a boat traveling to another island that was about an hour away. The sea was as calm as could be but the rocking motion was just not for me. I remember thinking that laying down would have helped so I went to a cabin to lie down. Big mistake, I ended up feeling even worse than before. I had heard of sea sickness but had never experienced it before, and thought that I would have been ok. After all it was only an hour away and there were no waves. Can you believe that it's been over 30 years and I still have yet to step foot on another boat. We're however planning a family cruise but I am not dreading it one bit. However, since that day, I could no longer travel for long periods of time without feeling some sort of nausea. In the Caribbean, there are home remedies for everything. If you get a cold "there's a herb for that", if you get a fever "there's a herb for that too". Well for motion sickness, the magical cure was ginger and my mother would boil ginger and we would drink it, and surprisingly it worked. When I migrated to the US, finding fresh ginger wasn't always possible so we did the next best thing. We experimented with over the counter medicine that only seemed to work but never really did. I stocked up on ginger ale and I would always have a piece of candy or gum in my bag for whenever I was taking a

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