Michael Phelps Adhd Summary

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Michael Phelps - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Explained Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a psychological personality disorder which makes the patient have a harder time focusing and controlling themselves making them hyper. Also this disorder can sometimes interfere with development and functionality. Many people diagnosed with ADHD have to take medicine, like Ritalin, in their early years to control their energy. Then in their later life they will commonly grow out of it. Around 11% of children in the United States suffer from ADHD and have to learn how to control themselves. Background and Behaviors during Early Childhood of Michael Phelps Michael Phelps was born June 30th, 1985 in Towson Maryland. His father is a State Trooper and his mother served as a professional teacher, and …show more content…

His sisters would often measure the amounts and types of foods for Phelps, and they took it as a team approach engaging the entire family in process. They would often prepare very high in protein diets, which has been studied to improve the symptoms of ADHD. The high protein diet enables the synapsis process of the brain to connect better allowing for more calmness and concentration. Last, Dr. XXX, an expert in ADHD stated that one of the primary reasons why Phelps is so successful, is that he uses his disorder to actually hyperfocus on his swimming activity. Dr. XXX states that many genius level figures in history have been known to have ADHD including Steve Jobs (Inventor and Founder of Apple Inc.), Albert Einstein (Physicist), and Robin Williams (Actor/Comedian). He actually states that ADHD is a gift that allows and forces you to hyperfocus, “in the zone” on activities in their field of interest because of their excessive passion. In doing so, people with this disorder often perform better than the average person in their particular

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