Analysis Of Maslow Need Hierarchy And Alderfer's ERG Theory

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Theories have been around since the beginning of time. This paper will give an analysis of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy and Alderfer’s ERG Theory. These theories provide an overview on motivation and content theories that will reflect the complexity of human needs. Both theories have been implicated in the workplace. This paper will also provide a description of each theory, the similarities and differences of each theory, and will compare the theories to the three levels of leadership. In addition to offering a Christian view as modeled by Jesus and express the opinion of which theory comes closest to what was demonstrated by Jesus. Maslow Need Hierarchy Abraham Maslow worked in psychology where he studied animal and human behavior. After receiving several degrees, he later discovered one of the earliest theories known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The model consist of five major types of human need divided into two categories known as basic order needs …show more content…

These needs would have to be completed before moving forward to the next need. Safety needs was the last to be included in the basic order needs. These needs consist of the desire to feel safe such as security of the body, family, morality and property. After these needs are met one can move on the higher order needs. According to Redmond (2010) “Maslow believed that in order for the higher-order needs to be successfully met and not affect basic needs, an individual must first acquire the basic-order needs, referred to as fulfillment progression.” The higher order needs included social needs which were related to friendship. This needs included being able to communicate with other individuals by showing love, affection, and sexual intimacy. Esteem needs consist of independence, confidence, respect for others, and achievement. The last need included in the higher order needs is

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