Mac Vs Windows Persuasive Essay

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Iñaki Linazasoro Romo 6º “A” Literature Perssuassive essay Mac vs. Windows, the eternal fight Buying a Mac or a Windows is a question that most of us have had to face in one point of our life’s and this dilemma is so controversial that it even appears that the moment you buy one you are picking your side of an eternal discussion filled with critics between both sides. Everyone has their own reasons for buying a Mac or a windows but ill probe with this essay is that the cost-benefit considering performance and utility is higher in windows computers than in Mac computers. First lets analyze the story of both companies to understand a little more about their differences. First of all Microsoft is the corporation that created …show more content…

The most complete desktop Mac you can buy costs around 7000 dollars, a custom made PC with the same specification can be found at a price around 2000 dollars. This can prove that Mac computers are over valuated due to its uprising popularity. People tend to buy Mac computers without researching if they are actually the better option available in the market at that moment. This can be proved with almost any brand of computer when compared to a mac. Mac´s hard drive memory is smaller, the RAM memory is not customizable and is not the higher RAM you can get, and the screen has a very good quality but you can get a better screen for the same price. Other important factor is that Mac computers are not customizable because Mac builds the pieces, only original pieces can be used and a lot of hardware is not compatible with the Macs software but this represents a bigger problem because repairing it is a lot harder and spare parts are more expensive while a pc is easy to fix and spare parts can be found in every computer store at very low prices. This is a factor that you need to take in consideration if you are planning to use your computer for many years because you’ll never know when is it going to

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