Locavores Essay

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Locavores, by definition, are people whose diet consists only of locally grown or produced food. Locavorism is a way of life through choices in one's diet. They have created “The Locavore Movement” in hopes that everyone will eventually eat locally. With an eye for nutrition, as well as sustainability, the locavore movement has become widespread over the past decade. Eating locally is something that people should do more often because it supports their community’s economy and local businesses, protects against bioterrorism, provides more variety, and puts fresher produce on the table. If one decides to eat and shop locally, then it will benefit their community’s economy. According to The New Economics Foundation in London, “A dollar spent
Leslie Kruempel, for example, thinks that it is easier and cheaper not to worry from where one’s food comes. Kruempel insisted that instead of going to a local farmer’s market and buying fruits and vegetables, one should buy the products needed to start a personal garden so that one might know exactly where the food has been and how it was grown. She says also that this method is also cheaper seeing that, if one purchases a stock of products, one will not have to go to the store or farmer’s market so often to buy already-grown fruits and vegetables (Kruempel 1). While this is a strong argument, one has the option to go to a farmer’s market and buy an abundance of produce to last a month or so, one would not have to work as hard and one would save money as
Compared to company produce that has been picked from the farm a long period before purchase, the fruits and vegetables one finds at a farmer’s market or the local grocery store are fresh (Maiser 3). When one eats locally,one gets the freshest fruits and vegetables available - and with the price of produce, one does not want to buy something that is not

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