Dbq Essay On Locavorism

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Locavorism: the newest trend in the food world. Locavores are people who, by choice, only eat food made and produced locally. The exact mile range depends on the person and their circumstances. Locavores are striving for sustainability and have an eye on nutrition. Although the locavorism isn’t ideal for everyone, the movement in general is great for sustainability, building communities and reaping the most nutrients from food. The locavore movement is great because it has an emphasis on building local communities by supporting small businesses. As James McWilliams said, “According to a study by the New Economics foundation in London, a dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy.” On the flip side of this, money spent at national companies immediately leaves the community (Source A) There’s arguably nothing better and more fulfilling than knowing that your purchase just directly positively impacted someone's life. And that someone could very well be your neighbor, the large brands such as Kroger already …show more content…

According to Source B, “Food begins to lose nutrition as soon as it is harvested. Fruit and vegetables that travel shorter distances are therefore likely to be closer to a maximum of nutrition.” The reason that we ultimately eat food is to get the key nutrients and macros necessary to sustain life. So, when given the option, there’s no reason to pick food that was harvested many weeks prior and put through the stress of shipping. There’s also an extreme taste difference. For example, if you live in Oregon there’s a high chance you’ve tried Hood strawberries. In my personal opinion these are the best strawberries in the United States, and lucky for me they’re grown less a hundred miles away. For anyone that’s compared a Hood strawberry to a standard one from Fred Meyer; you know what i’m talking

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