Locavore's Dilemma Argument

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Is Cheap and Convenient Actually Better? So is going through the drive thru of your favorite fast restaurant really cheaper than making a meal at home for your family? In today’s time it has become more relevant to get what is more convenient and cheapest regarding to food. People are less concerned with the health benefits, whether that means going by McDonalds for dinner than making a home cooked meal or eating junk food than healthy alternative snack. People are doing what seems to be the most convenient and inexpensive route, but the problem is that Americans lack knowledge regarding junk food and real food which is interfering with their health. High amounts of processed foods are being consumed by Americans because they are tight budgeted …show more content…

On the extreme side of having a healthier lifestyle there is a locavore system. This system means that you confine your food to a 100 mile radius (Pelletier703). In “The Locavore’s Dilemma” by Christophe Pelletier, he disagrees with movement, but believes that the distance is not more important rather than the carbon footprint. Pelletier also recognizes the struggle of busy tight budgeted families when deciding their food decisions. Therefore, the support of this movement is more of the wealthier population. People who are able to spend considerable amounts on only local. But eating only locally produced is not necessary to live a healthy lifestyle. The difference between Bittman and Pelletier regarding this is that buying for real food versus buying food locally grown, which of course is the healthier option but not needed. Like Pelletier, I agree that eating only locally grown food is not needed and not realistic (Pelletier703). There should be the healthy medium of eating real home cooked meals rather than eating highly processed foods and between eating only food that is in 100 mile radius. Americans shouldn’t go for the extravagant and costly diets or fads when going toward their health. Simply cooking healthy meals at home rather than eating out will increase their

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