Locavore Argument

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To Locavore or not to Locavore, that is the question Eating locally is a practice that many people have been changing to in recent years. This practice is performed by people commonly referred to as Locavores. Locavores argue that eating locally is more nutritious, it helps the economy, builds better communities, and saves the environment (source A). Unfortunately, the only thing it really does is help the environment. The locavore movement is overlooking the problem with energy consumption (source C), and locavore communities cannot define what “local” really means (source F). Locavores argue that the process used to transport food products uses way more energy than if they were just eaten locally. In actuality, the process used to water, package, and fertilize foods in fact consumes more energy than when they are just transported normally. An example of this is how the U.K. buys most of its green beans from Kenya. The beans may come in airplanes, which consume an abundance of energy, but small stickers on the airplanes threaten the lives of millions of Sub-Saharan farmers. So even if the farmers are helping by selling their beans, they are still being hurt in the end. It hurts them …show more content…

Such as: locally grown produce is fresher, local food tastes better, eating local protects from bio-terrorism, and others (source A). These reasons are false for many reasons. Local grown produce is only technically fresh if you eat it right away, though most people just wait a few days to eat food they buy, local food tastes just like other food bought at other stores, and eating local may help with bio-terrorism, but so does everything else someone does to help the environment. Also, probably the biggest reason, local food is not more nutritious than regular food because local farmers use pesticides in their produce which means when you eat their food you’re eating these

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