Liz Addison Two Years Are Better Than Four Summary

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In Liz Addison’s article “Two Years Are Better Than Four”, she argues with Rick Perlstein as he says that college is coming to an end because his experience he had in college is much different than what college is today. As a college student myself I personally disagree with Rick Perlstein. College has taught me how much I can learn, how to manage time and give me the knowledge I need for my future. Many students decide to quit school because of the cost or simply because they think it is not for them. Some students may be hesitant to go to a university. In some ways it is a smarter decision for some people to choose two years rather than four, but for myself personally, I did choose to go to a four year school. For a student who is unsure of a major or what they want to do in life, it is a better decision to choose to go to a community college first. The reason behind that is so a student can find what they are looking for. A community college gives a chance for everyone to make their dreams come true rather is you know your major or still looking for what your future holds. As an example for my personal experience, I have many friends back at home to choose community even though they wanted to go to a …show more content…

Many people look at going to a university before considering a community college. I can speak for myself as I did not even consider a community college when applying to colleges. Although community colleges do not offer living on campus or sports, they can still fulfill anyones dreams. Speaking through my own experiences, most students choose a university to get away from home and live the “college lifestyle” that everyone dreams about at eighteen years old. Sometimes we need to take a step back though and see which choice makes the most since to choose overall. A community college offers what a university has, and that is an

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