Leadership In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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"Keep calm and carry on." This is a famous quote from Winston Churchill, during his prime time as a politician during the Second World War. Churchill is one of the worlds greatest leaders in that he showed incredible leadership skills throughout his time of ruling. He refused to give in, even at the hardest times, and he helped retain people’s spirits during the war. He was determined, responsible, intelligent, and pleasant, all qualities of a exceptional leader. It is essential that we have quality leaders ruling us to ensure the safety and comfort of all of those under their power. Ideas of leadership are represented in William Golding's Lord of the Flies mainly through Jack and Ralph. Piggy …show more content…

He is voted the chief at the first meeting on the island. “... what intelligence had been shown was traceable of Piggy while the most obvious leader was Jack. But there was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him out: there was his size, and attractive appearance; and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch.” (p. 18-19). He’s an obvious leader, not only due to his appearance, but he has the characteristics of a wonderful leader, too. He possesses the ability to show immense initiative, responsibility, courage and determination. Ralph's authority and power over the others is secure from the start when he shows terrific initiative when he decides to build huts instead of joining in with the other boys amusing themselves and avoiding work. “‘Been working for days now. And look!’ Two shelters were in position, but shaky ... ‘...They're off bathing, or eating, or playing!’” (p. 54-55). The biguns, including Ralph, went hunting for the beast, but when they came to the rocks where they thought it was hiding, no one wanted to continue - they were too frightened. Something inside Ralph gave him the courage to step up and be the one to search for the beast. This shows that power can form greater people. Having people depend on you gives you courage to undertake anything. “Something deep inside Ralph spoke for him. ‘I'm chief. I'll go. Don’t argue.’” (p. 114). Ralph is the first …show more content…

Piggy and Simon also present a few ideas of leadership throughout the novel. Each of these characters show noticeably different leadership skills, Ralph shows qualities of an excellent leader, whereas Jack shows the characteristics of a terrible leader, and Simon showing quite similar skills to Piggy. Golding left us with a question. What are the boys truly? Do they leave the island as savage psychopaths or civilised English school

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