Leadership Application Essay

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I have always been fascinated in the leadership aspect of a company, such as the position of C.E.O. or other various roles that will enable me to construct a company by my expectations. In my perspective, my father is the perfect image of a leader - a self-made man raised in poverty to becoming a principal technical leader in a prestigious oil company, while simultaneously spending his free time providing for those in need leading an Indonesian charity organization. My father constantly reminds me that the road to his success was far from effortless. He overcame a plethora of boundaries to get to where he is today. I understand the road to my lifetime goal will take a multitude of effort to achieve. However, I hope that the effort I have put …show more content…

While the workload was quite hectic, I believe that taking these difficult courses will shape my work ethic to fit the standards of a future company leader. I have also taken courses that pushed me to work together with other individuals such as marching band. In marching band, everyone was required to follow the conductor and to cooperate with each other; otherwise, the band will fall apart during a performance. I believe this simulates a real-working environment where workers will have to collaborate and to work diligently in order for a company to succeed. With this parallel experience, I hope to lead my future company to a path of greatness and …show more content…

Taking a variety of rigorous AP classes and marching band has strengthened my work ethic and allowed myself to experience an environment where I was required to cooperate with other individuals. Also, my officer positions and my teaching experience have taught me the basic fundamentals of being a leader, and I hope to apply what I've learned to my future company. But I will not stop there. I understand that in order to complete my skills as a future company leader, having a strong knowledge on the fundamentals of modern technology is crucial if I want to expand my company to its fullest potential. This motivated me to apply to the (insert school here) School of Engineering to earn a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Afterwards, I plan to enter the workforce as a novice and work my way up to leading my very own company with all the skills I have

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