Is Traditional Schooling Really Best For All Students?

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Is traditional schooling really best for all students? It is believed that online courses may be the future of schooling. While online education uses many of the same components as traditional education, the format in which online education instructs students better fits their skill sets, interests, and needs. Three reasons why online classes are preferred is; first, online courses provide a safer, more comfortable work environment for students. Reason two, online classes give students the opportunity to work at their own pace or to work in time to fit their own schedule. Reason three, online classes are much cheaper and much more affordable then traditional schooling. First, taking online courses gives students the ability to be in a safer and more comfortable work environment which will help them concentrate on their studies. Bullying is a really big deal at traditional schools and it is very difficult to focus on studying when students are trying …show more content…

At a traditional school there is a registration fee which is fifty dollars then there are some classes that students have to pay for which are about thirty dollars and after the final total it ends up being over one-hundred and fifty dollars, plus more if students want a yearbook or take any electives. Online courses are much more affordable then that. Not only is traditional schooling more expensive but students also have to drive to their school which costs gas money. The average human spends around thirteen-thousand dollars a year on gas so students that go to traditional school spends almost fifteen-thousand dollars a year to go to school! Online courses could drop that final price substantially! Those kind of prices could be easily dropped just by switching to online courses and the extra money could be put towards a college fund or some other future fund. To sum up, students could save a huge portion of money just by taking online

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