Are Suspending Students Beneficial?

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Are suspending students really beneficial? Do they help students “learn their lesson”? Finally, when administrators suspend a student , do they know the full story? In the late 1900s, many school administrators saw an increase in fighting so they decided to start suspending students for their actions.That raised many questions about how efficiently suspending students were. Although it is cheaper for schools to suspend students, schools should not suspend students from school because it’s ineffective, increases dropout rates in school, and administrators never know the full story of why they do these things. When suspending students from school it is very ineffective. According to the article, Why Do We Suspend Misbehaving Students, “ A 2011 study showed that Texas students who were suspended or expelled at least once during middle school and high school averaged four such disciplinary actions during their academic careers. Fourteen percent of them were suspended 11 times or more.” Suspending students from school is not beneficial to the student or the school as a whole. Although some people may say by suspending the child …show more content…

Students that get suspended are more likely to drop out of school than kids that don’t get suspended. According to the article, Why Do We Suspend Misbehaving Students, “ In recent years, while Baltimore city schools have dramatically reduced suspensions, the dropout rate has been cut nearly in half.” When students from school drop out it isn’t good for them because it will lower the chance of them getting a good job to help support their family. Yes, people might say the reason they dropped out could isn’t because the student was suspended so much, but it is true in many cases for students that do drop out of school. Just because the student drops out of school doesn’t mean it’s because the student doesn’t like school; it is most likely because they got suspended while they were in

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