Is College Education Worth The Money

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. Whether or not a college education is worth the money is a controversial topic. Some people believe that college needed to make a decent pay check. The essay called, Yes, College Education Is Worth The Costs,Rodney K.Smith proclaim: "Graduate enjoy increased opportunities for employment at the high rates of pay, providing them with the wherewithal to pay off dept,if they are wise stewards of that debt" (pg.20). Other challenge this position,claiming that college is a default we all fall into because studying and school is all we know. Another essay called College Is A Waste Of Time, Dale Stephens states, "As more and more people graduate from college, employers are unable to discriminate among jobs seekers based of college degrees and can …show more content…

37). Although both sides of the arguments side have merit, it seems clear that a college education is not worthwhile investment because of the argument that Mr. Stephens presents that viewpoint that not everyone needs college to be successful: "I do not think everyone should leave college, but I challenge my peers to consider the opportunity cost of going to class" (pg.39). I believe that it is important to attend college for a professional degree however, is not needed for someone that does not need a diploma to be success in life. If you did not do well in high school, your courses will not help you in the long run, or do not have the will to truck though college, college may be something you want to …show more content…

The article called We Send Too Many Students To College stated, "... if you graduated in the bottom 40% of your high school class and went to college, 76 out of 100 won't earn a diploma" (pg.32). There is a low chance of making up your high school years at college. So if you had barely any interest in school in the first place, maybe you should try training programs or trade schools. Another problem with going to college is whether or not you have the time to delicate to getting a degree. With some creative individuals who have a curtain goal and idea they want to start on, college can be just a time waster, Like in the essay College Is A Waste Of Time, it claims: "And at Northwestern, the math requirement can be fulfilled with 'Slavonic Linguistics'. It is little wonder that smart students think their time is better spent coding" (pg.42). If college is not going to even teach you the basics, why go at all? It might be a better use of your time to join a coding or business class at an adult school. Lastly, if you never liked school, why put yourself through it? College might be a better environment than high-school but does not mean it does not come with it's up and downs. We Send Too Many Students To College shows, "... Only 16.4% percent of students were very satisfied with the overall quality ... 28.2% were neutral, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied" (pg.33). There is

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