Introduction To The Devout Life Summary

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Many modern-day Christians have a false depiction of what a life of Christianity entails. Many of these Christians believe that in order to get to Heaven they simply need to be baptized, recognize that Jesus is their savior, and ask for the forgiveness of their sins. Many only attend church when it is convenient for them and when it fits into their busy schedule. However, this is an elementary view of Christianity. St. Francis de Sales, author of Introduction to the Devout Life, describes and outlines what the true Christian life entails and how one can achieve an advanced relationship with God. St. Francis de Sales begins by defining devotion as “a spiritual activity and liveliness by means of which Divine Love works in us, and causes us to work briskly and lovingly, and just as charity leads us to a general practice of all God’s Commandments, so devotion leads us to practice them readily and diligently. (p. 9)” A life of devotion is a life of love that is given generously and is also received generously. However, what separates this love from any other type of love is that it flows from God. Finding the love of God through a life of devotion is not easy. There are many challenges and …show more content…

He immediately catches the reader’s attention and maintains that interest throughout the rest of the reading. De Sales also informs the reader that a life of devotion is not easy and is only obtained through diligence and hard work. However, he also gives the reader hope by explain that everyone has a unique way that they give their life to God. Dr. Myers also seems to carry this opinion throughout his lectures. He has shown the class many different ways to worship God and to obtain a deeper relationship with Him. However, Myers also explains that obtaining this deeper relationship with God will be challenging and will demand diligence and hard

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