Internal Conflict In Health Care Essay

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Most healthcare providers will tell you that they feel that they are called to their profession, and most would tell you that they love practicing in their field of study. Healthcare providers are placed in situations frequently that can lead to cognitive dissonance. In healthcare there is a pressure to perform tasks frequently, timely, perfectly, and in a cost effective manner. This can lead to situations that are in conflict with training as well as with personal ethics.

Each day we are faced with making decisions regarding the plan of care and discharge of a patient based on the number of days an insurance company allows to treat the patient. Most times the days allowed are less than what is required to assist the patient back to their prior level of function and ability to safely return home. This causes an internal struggle for the provider and can lead to easily accepting what the insurance company allows even though it is not always best for the patient. Typically, we follow the rule of always doing what is right, which could mean that we keep the patient on the unit longer than the insurance will provide payment. …show more content…

People in these situations typically rationalize their decisions, rather than change their beliefs (Stanchi, 2013). This could be why so many healthcare providers feel the stress, dissatisfaction, and burnout from taking care of patients amidst these changing

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