Inequality In The Workplace

1827 Words4 Pages

Ashka Kothari
Dr. Myers
Sociology 172
Inequality in the work place
When people are talking about CEO’s, Presidents or any other person in a high position, who comes to mind? For most people, the person that comes to mind is a white male. Even in one of the most progressive and modern countries in the world males are associated with positions of power. Gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. Although we have made abundant steps in narrowing gender inequality, patriarchy still continues in society and thus women today have yet to gain the same opportunities in the workplace. Even with acts such as the Equal Pay Act that passed 35 years ago, today, half of the workforce is consists of women, but the average workingwoman earns only 80.9% of what the workingman makes. There is also a lack of promotion in high positions for qualified women in the work force. These are just a few of the work place inequalities that females are faced with. Even with the many steps taken to ensure equality in the work field, the gender discrimination continues to exist.

According to the article “It’s a Man’s World”, many fields are still male-dominated even though women have slowly started entering them. Historically women have been time and again been denied to enter certain occupations based on gender. Women still face many of the same challenges addressed in working in a male-dominated career. Earning the respect of their male colleagues, obtaining the same promotions and balancing work and home life appear to remain at the forefront of issues still in need of being addressed.
The wage gap is expressed as the difference between female and male earnings. As of 2012, women earn 8...

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...s males. Women encounter inequality in wages, social status, and economic status, all of which impact women in a negative way. Likewise, more women are involved in male- dominated jobs, such as doctors and engineers. So instead of punishing females for coming so far, we should be allies to them. Although Kivel discusses allies in terms of colored people to end racism, the same theory can be applied to females. As Kivel states an ally is someone who stands up or defends another person with no benefit to himself or herself. Furthermore, he says, “We are afraid to challenge what they say. We will be ineffective as allies if we give up our ability to analyze and think critically, if we simply accept everything. “(Kivel 1996) Thus in order to end the discriminations and inequalities women are faced with we must work together as a country, as allies to make this change.

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