My Values, Philosophy, Dreams, and Calling
My personal vision of the future is not something I have taken a significant amount of time to ponder in the past. I have general ideas of where I see myself both personally and professionally in future but have not identified specific steps to get there or pondered why I want to be in that situation. When taking on this somewhat daunting task of identifying my future self it is important to identify my driving values, philosophy, dreams, and my personal calling. Self-reflection on these characteristics and preferences are key to a developing a successful picture of the future.
The first step in creating the picture of my future is to evaluate values, beliefs, and desirable personal characteristics.
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We all spend a large portion of our week at work and sometimes that amount of time can skew our priorities. However, at the end of the day it is family that is really important. Early in my career the perception was that in order to get ahead you had to be the person putting in the most hours. I would often come in early and stay late to show my commitment. However, over time this perception has changed and I have found that it is not true that putting in the most hours makes you the best employee. The birth of my son six years ago really changed my perceptions and priorities. When my husband and I were both focused on our careers it was easy to get in the pattern of working long hours, but once you have a child at home you have a very good reason to not spend every waking hour working. I have discovered the true importance of work life balance and contrary to my old beliefs I think it has actually made me a better employee. I am motivated to do my best when I am at work, while working very efficiently and with a purpose. I am much happier in general with the balance and my family is also happy. This value will continue to be of great importance to me for the remainder of my career. I think it also makes me a more compassionate and empathetic leader and my employees respect my values and want to also do their best while they are at …show more content…
Family happiness is obviously central to my own happiness and my dreams for the future hinge on that value. In fact, everything really ties together. I want to have successful upward growth in my job role and dependability and honesty are a way to get there. Having a successful career will also make it possible to have long-term financial stability which is very important to me. When I completed the activity “27 Things I Want to Do Before I Die” in Becoming a Resonant Leader it became quickly apparent that what I enjoy the most is traveling (McKee, Boyatzis, & Johnston, 2008, p. 78). Travel means so much to me and my family and is something that we all greatly enjoy. My dream is that in the future we will have the financial means and ability to travel the world. I would also like to retire at by the age of sixty and enjoy my
This source explains the relationship between working overtime and the work-family conflict. With this source, they “investigated whether work-family conflict is prospectively related to adjustments in work schedules… in this relation”. (Jansen) They also wanted to prevent work- family conflict. They also know that balancing work and family is a challenge in today’s society for individuals. Consequences associated with work and family “job burnouts, psychological distress, depression, life dissatisfaction, elevated need for recovery from work, prolonged fatigue, and increased sickness absence”. (Jansen) The companies are starting to notices that employees are looking for other jobs that support them balance their work and family. Jansen used questionnaires to figure out the work-family conflict investigation. Each questionnaire was use with different types of working people. For example, the part-time and full-time workers. The results for the work-family conflict, “employees might adjust their working time arrangement to better reconcile work and family life…” (Jansen) They are considering their next research on the adjustments to “result in an improved work-family balance, improved health outcomes, and ultimately whether these adjustments prevent workers from leaving the labor force early.” (Jansen)
I see my life as a series of experiences that build upon one another and, through my hard work and determination, lead to overall long and short term goals that I have set for myself. There are thousands upon thousands of things that affect my life both directly and indirectly all of which have varying degrees of influence on me. Three areas of my life that most certainly have had a profound impact on me are scholarship, spiritual formation, and service. These three areas have affected me positively, and have motivated me to pursue higher levels of education, and have challenged me to set my lifetime goals higher. Though I'm not exactly sure where I will end up in life, I know that if I let my academics, spirituality, and service guide me, I will end up somewhere that I want to be.
In my experience it may seem that no matter how hard I may try to balance school, work, and family something always suffers. I simply try to remind myself that if I work hard and try to maximize my time that I should be able to accomplish all I need to do. Even if I am not successful in doing so at least I know that I tried my best to balance everything thing out. In my opinion people need to give one hundred percent of effort or else they will not be
I care very much about my life as a whole and want it to flourish to great extent. I have always been a very career-oriented person and my future is what is most important to me. I am willing to do whatever it takes to strive. I am willing to work hard and struggle towards my goal, no matter how difficult the feat.
There are many different meanings when we type out the word “Values” in the internet. From “importance, worth or usefulness of something” to a “person’s principles or standards of behavior” and “one’s judgement of what is important in life.” (Google) All these meaning have a word in common, important. My meaning to values is what I consider important in my life, simple as that. There are over 100 values in which are all very significant in our daily lives. It is hard to choose just a few values when in reality we all want all of them even if we don’t admit we need it. If I had to choose values, it would be family, happiness, loyalty, honesty, and lastly responsibility.
Now this is all I think about. At first the main career goal was always to make money, a significant wage that would allow myself and my family to live extremely comfortably. As time goes on and I have matured money is still a goal, I still not only want to be fairly compensated, but I need to be as does everyone really. More importantly on my list of goals is that I want to have a career where it is just that a career. I go to work every day and have that feeling of accomplishment that people are depending on me to show up and do my job to make their jobs easier. I want to at least in some way make a difference and do something that matters even if the masses may not know me or what I do my staff will feel my absence as well as my presence completely in a good way. My goals are to be successful and respected not only by my peers but even acquaintances and to finally have something that when the time is right I will actually be able to retire from and not have to be like so many in my family and work right up until I’m broken and can’t go on any longer. My main goal is to be something my children can be proud of and aspire to
Values in my opinion should determine your priorities, and they’re probably the measures, you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. Knowing your own values can help you make decisions about how to live your life. The values that I believe in play a very important role in my life. These important values have been greatly influenced by my family and life experiences. My core values include family, health, knowledge, happiness, friendship, loyalty, trust, hard work, honesty, and learning.
There are so many things that are important to me, but only a few that could greatly affect my life if I didn’t have or accomplish them. The biggest things to me are success, family, and freedom. These are all things that are essential to my life in so many different aspects.
I have the ability to balance work and time to relax. It is very important to me that I do what I love and love what I do. When an individual is doing what they are meant to do, they realize their potential and purpose in life. I feel that this correlates to me in my life now, because I chose to come to Limestone to play softball and get an education as a Health Care Administrator. I am satisfied everyday in both of these important goals and reward myself for the accomplishments that I achieve to reach those goals. I one-day hope to contribute my skills and talents to my work that will be rewarding to me and people I work for. I hope to attain job satisfaction and many other important components needed for my path to becoming successful in the
There have always been various problems on how employees balance family life and work life. This is a problem that many employees from different organizations face. The challenge here is that they are not able to balance both lives. This in most cases leads to neglect of one life and giving too much attention to the other. This has been a major problem to many employees. They have always complained of how difficult it can be when a person tries to balance both lives (Philipsen & Bostic, 2010). This has been a big issue that should be tackled with a lot of concern. There has always been a need for people to be able to live comfortably with their families and to have a good working life in the work area. People should be taught on how to balance family life and work and to be able to give equal attention to both lives. This can be made possible by training and enlightening people on how these two can be achieved. There is need for all employees to learn how they ensure that they give equal attention to their family life and work life.
Understanding who we are as individuals can be a struggle for people throughout life. It can be difficult to comprehend who we are and why we exist. There are daily outside influences that help create who we are and what our values are. Values play a significant role in our lives. They shape the choices we make and reveal a big part of our identity to the world. Some values may be more important than others, but they still manage to influence our lives in one way or another, whether we know it or not. Values can range from a tangible item to an idea that has influenced us to stand by and remember those values. The values we hold with the highest importance act as a guide and help us prioritize our purpose and goals in our daily life. My family has taught me a list of values and traits that have helped me become a well-rounded individual. I value my family more than anything because most of my core inner values have started from their teachings at one point or another. My top values that I have developed from my family are dedication, honesty, and wisdom. I will discuss who I am in terms of the important values that shape my personal belief system and decision making framework that, in essence, describes the direction of my life.
During everyone 's lifetime, there is always something we hold closest to our hearts; it maybe our principles we live by, values, and even our own beliefs. Values are those things that are very important to us but never really realize how much we actually value them in our life. Have you ever been asked to define three of your main values and rip them up? I have and I never noticed how much they meant to me. Each and every one of us believes in our own personal values. These values are what gives us strength and strive us to do what makes us happy. These values are very important to us and are standards that we live by whether we realize it or not. Everyone has something we value including me. Some of the values I might think highly of,
When planning for our future it is important to have clear goals in mind and to understand the steps that need to be taken to achieve those goals. My long-term goal is to run my own counseling center and employee at least one other person. Some Skills I already possess that will allow me to succeed with this plan are my ability to relate to people and be consistent in following the steps needed, even though it will be a long and tedious process.
My mission is to live each day positively in God’s eyes, honestly and passionately so that every day I am one step closer to reaching my dreams and helping others believe in theirs. I will be committed to inspiring others to be more than they think that they can be and I will be a continual learner committed to excellence in all aspects of life.
My values, personality type, multiple intelligences, and learning style all pertain to my long-term goal. The things that I now value in life, have greatly affected my life in that I want the best not only for me, but my child as well. Before my child, all that I wanted to do was be a tattoo artist. I had no motivation or aspiration to go to college and attempt to secure a concrete career. The many aspects of my life have shaped me into a better person and helped me to find my true passions.