Introduction to Icon Medical Centers and Services

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Welcome to Icon Medical Centers. We specialize in treating individuals who have sustained injuries in vehicle accidents, while on the job, while participating in sporting events, or due to a slip and fall. At Icon Medical Centers near Miami Lakes, Fla., we provide individuals seeking treatment for injuries with a facility that is equipped with medical professionals, including chiropractors, and state-of-the-art physical therapy equipment to meet all of their needs.

Feel Free to Explore Our Website

We are hopeful that the information you find on our website will be of assistance to you. Whether you are already our patient or if you are a resident of Miami Lakes who is considering a visit to one of the Icon Medical Centers in South Florida, …show more content…

One of the most common symptoms related to these untreated injuries include headaches. To effectively treat a headache, the chiropractor needs to have the skills necessary to diagnose the type of headache a patient is experiencing. One headache that our chiropractors frequently treat is caused by tension and stress in the cervical spine. These headaches are very responsive to chiropractic care and other forms of physical medicine.

Our Chiropractors Treat a Variety of Conditions

The chiropractors at Icon Medical Centers near Miami Lakes treat:

Whiplash/Neck pain Upper back pain Lumbar back pain Bulging and herniated vertebral discs Knee and shoulder injuries Strains and sprains Pinching/Stabbing pain that runs down the buttock and into the leg (Sciatica)

Therapy Techniques Utilized at Icon Medical Centers

Therapy techniques our chiropractors and physical therapists use at Icon Medical Centers near Miami Lakes:

Ice and heat Neuromuscular reeducation Infrared Massage/Vibration massage Ultrasound Activities and exercises Spinal

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