Overcoming Obesity: A Personal Journey Toward Healthier Living

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Eating is important to survival of humans. Humans need to consume food on a daily bases to intake protein, sodium, vitamins,etc. Over the years since the 20th century the rate of obesity has grown and is still growing, it is a problem in the US. Many people like me overeat and eat the wrong stuff and don’t workout to burn all those calories. The amount I eat is what I hate about myself so much because all that I eat goes in my body and stores the food as fat which grows on my body and I don’t feel or look good. This is why I chose to change this part of my lifestyle, I need to change myself for the better.
There are many ways to change how much I eat and what I eat. The first thing I did was go and tell my mom not to make any fatty foods. Since my all my family is from Pakistan, my mom, aunts, and grandparents know how to make some good food. I love indian I need indian …show more content…

I just couldn’t stop eating. I am a quick eater and science says in order to not to eat more than your stomach wants eat slow, because it takes about ten minutes for the food to signal that it is full and doesn’t want anymore. And this is what I do instead of stuffing my food, after every bite I put my spoon down and chew slowing and it actually it works. Honestly there have been days where I am just not able to resist and I have to eat as much as I can before I explode. Now I am not even able to finish the food on my plate, which is amazing. These past six to seven weeks have been really intense mentally and physically, but it for the good of me and so I feel good about myself and gain self-respect and confidence. The positive outcome of this small struggle is great. “For every high there is a low, every good a bad, every action a reaction. To experience it is living, to accept is adult, to learn & rise above is to be strong.” said by Nishan Panway. This struggle was just a small experience for a greater experience, known as

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