How Does Politics Influence Climate Change

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Global warming is one of the rising issues we face in the world. For decades, scientist have studied what is causing global warming and the natural events that have influenced climate change. We humans have been warned for centuries that global warming is on the rise and Earth one day as we know it will be forever changed if we don’t become a more environmentally cautions planet. But the effort needed to reduce the greenhouse gases and other major factors in climate change, has never been an easy subject. With political, technological, and economical issues many questions arise when trying to find a solution to slow global warming. It is up to us now to educate our youth and prepare our future generations for what will be their new world one …show more content…

How does politics influence climate change you may ask? Well for the simple reason being that the human role in global warming is deeply engaged in politics since they usually involve making the decisions that govern other people’s lives. Politics are responsible for hearing the questions and concerns related towards climate change and to come up with a policy or many policies to help improve our environmental conditions and reduce our fossil fuel usage. But this raises a challenge due to the fact that Americans and other countries are so dependent upon fossil fuels that the cost to transition to a “greener” industry would ultimately cost more to the investor. Throughout the decades our representatives in office have become more aware of the country’s population growth which will lead to more usage of fossil fuels. By offering incentives as well as limitations to companies to reduce pollution this will help to slow the process of global …show more content…

We have already seen the short term effects with the polar ice caps melting at an alarming rate causing the sea levels to rise. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, eleven of the twelve years between 1995 and 2006 have recorded as the hottest years since thermometer readings became available. The long term effects however, could become deadly to the human race and all other species living on Earth. Rising temperatures will change the ecosystems forever. Some species will move more north to escape the heat while others will have no other choice but to eventually become extinct. The increase in destructive weather such as hurricanes will progress along with the diminishing of forests and farms as the long term effects of global warming begin to take hold. Diseases will become more prominent along with the reduction of fresh water and the longer drought conditions. The world as we know it, could become inhabitable for all living creatures if we do not take a strong stand on global

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