How Does Barbie Affect Body Image

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In today’s society, girls and boys are constantly being shown different messages about the ways that they should look and act. One example of these messages, which I feel is most important to look at and understand, is Barbie and the impact that has been made on our society since this doll was developed many years ago. Since Barbie’s creation, there has been controversy over the whether or not this doll impacts women’s body image. Some will argue that Barbie is just a doll and that she does not have a negative influence on the way females view their bodies. Others will argue this topic and say that Barbie plays a huge role for the negative views that females have about their body image.
Studies show that the toys they play with do have impact children. Therefore, it is important to understand that Barbie is not just a toy for children to play with. Barbie dolls mimic the female figure and have been impacting the female body image for years. Barbie’s teach girls and boys that it is desirable to be tall, thin, white and blonde. These dolls convince young girls that this is the way their bodies should look and has them striving for an unrealistic body image.
During this time I have worked with girls of all different ages. I have heard many of the little girls that I have worked with make comments about how they wished they looked like their Barbie doll, or that they wanted to grow up to be like Barbie, etc. I have also heard women say that they are fat for not being a size zero. Personally, I am also guilty to falling into the pressure that society places on females to want to look a certain way in order to feel beautiful. As human beings, I know we all have our insecurities, but I truly believe that societies idea of beauty toward women and their lack of acceptance for being “different” or “other” is making the world that we live in much harder to live in while loving who you are and feeling

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