How Did Isaac Newton Contribute To The Discovery Of Calculus

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Eliza Caplan
Assignment #2 Sir Isaac Newton made revolutionary contributions to physics and mathematics that are still used today. Newton is specifically known for the invention of calculus during his lifetime. Newton’s invention of calculus greatly influenced society through its application in sciences, mathematics, economics, medicine, and more. Newton invented calculus through the investigation into the ‘effects of gravity (which causes falling objects to constantly accelerate)’ (SSCC). He came to find that derivatives, which are the slope of tangent lines, were the solution to his investigation into gravity (SSCC). When Newton invented calculus, he did not immediately publish his findings because he was a private man who was always “fearful of publication and criticism” (Math.fu-berlin). In 1684, however, another mathematician named Gottfried Wilhelm Leiniz, published his independent ‘discovery’ of calculus. This sole credit claim outraged Newton and a “violent dispute” sprang up between the two for the remainder of their lives (math.fu-berlin). During the lifetimes of the mathematicians, the public focused on the public dispute between the two, rather than on the invention of calculus. So because Newton delayed the publishing of his findings (until his argument with Leibniz began), he did not …show more content…

Economists use calculus as a basis “to maximize efficiency, minimize cost, and find the post of diminishing returns” (SSCC). Specifically, an economist could use differential calculus to determine the amount of interest paid over the life of a housing loan (Classroom.synonym). Calculus is useful to all businesses because it allows executives/managers to maximize profits, which is essential to most businesses (Classroom.synonym). Calculus is not only important to economics, but also to physics, engineering, chemistry, astronomy, and statistics

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