Heat Stroke

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Heat Stroke

The main indication of heat stroke is a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit with hot, dry

skin. Other signs include rapid heartbeat, rapid and shallow breathing, either elevated

or lowered blood pressure, and confusion or unconsciousness. If you suspect heat

stroke, get the person out of the sun and into a cool spot. Cool the person by covering

him or her with damp sheets or spraying with water. Direct air onto the person with a

fan or a newspaper, and monitor the person's temperature with a thermometer. Stop

cooling the person when his or her temperature returns to normal. If breathing ceases,

start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Heat stroke is an emergency that needs immediate

medical attention.

Every year people pass out and die during exercise/ from a condition called heat stroke, a sudden uncontrolled rise in

body temperature that affects the brain so that it can't function properly.

Heat stroke doesn't just happen. You get plenty of warning. First your muscles are affected, then your circulation and

then your brain.

As your temperature starts to rise, your muscles feel like a hot poker is pressing against them. As it rises further, the air

that you breathe feels like it's coming from a furnace and no matter how rapidly and deeply you try to breathe, you

won't be able to get enough air. When this happens, stop exercising. If you continue to exercise, your body temperature

will rise further and affect your brain. Your head will start to hurt, you'll hear a ringing in your ears, you may feel dizzy,

you may have difficulty seeing and then you will end up unconscious on the ground.

When a person passes out from heatstroke, his brain is being cooked just like the colorless part of an egg turns white

when it hits the griddle. Get medical help immediately. Usually, the victim should be carried into the shade and placed on

his back with his head down and his feet up. He should be cooled by any possible means. Liquid should be poured on

him. It doesn't matter whether it's from a hose or a glass. It could be water, coke, milk, or whatever you have. After he

is revived, he should be watched for more than an hour as his temperature can start to rise to high levels again.

You should remember to plan ahead on any ultra training course you

decide on and stash extra water at intervals along the way.

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