Health Promotion Campaign Analysis

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Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Aim of the campaign 1.2 Child obesity 1.3 Health inequalities costs NHS 2. Links between Government strategies and models of health promotion 2.1 White paper, health inequalities 2.2 Key -factors who influence health 2.3 Bandura self-efficacy theory (1977) 2.4 Rosenstock health belief theory (1950) 2.5 Medical model of health promotion 2.6 Bronfenbrenner educational theory (1979) 3. Health promotion incorporating into the daily routine …show more content…

Introduction 1.1 This report has been written to promote a healthy eating campaign. The aim is to support existing health promotion strategies by addressing the health issues to those individuals, who are less likely to access health services. The target of the campaign is to involve parents by providing healthy cooking workshops at schools, nursery and community centres. 1.2 The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness about child obesity and the resulting further health consequences. Currently, “one-in-five-children in reception were found to be either overweight or obese,” (The Telegraph 2015). 1.3 Children who struggle with obesity issues in early years, are likely to become later overweight adults. The resulting consequences, are long-term health issues such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and psychological damage. “It is estimated that the cost of illness resulting from health inequality costs the NHS £5.5 billion per year,” (NHS Prevention 2015). 2. Links between Government strategies and models of health promotion 2.1 Highlighted by the white paper (2010); To tackle health inequalities the government strategy is to promote diverse programmes by working collaboratively with the NHS, the Department of Health and other institutions. The main focus is on five networks; food, alcohol, physical activity, health at work and behaviour change. Currently, the following national health programs are …show more content…

Bandura’s self-efficacy theory (1977) is used by the NHS” to support people to adopt healthier behaviours and avoid risky ones,” (King Fund 2008), who analysed the NHS strategies. This theory applies if the individual is not satisfied with his current health condition. For example, the individual is overweight and therefore has other health issues. The bad health condition encourages the individual to consider if a diet will make changes to his life and he will search for solutions. Here the NHS steps in and offers “practical support on healthy eating, exercise, weight gain, and clinical treatment for obesity, “(Department of Health 2004). With that support the individual is more successful and will see quick results which motivate the individual to carry on to change his life style. 2.4 The Rosenstock health belief model (1950) applies if the individual believes that he is personally vulnerable to a specific disease. For example, the individual travels to a country with a high malaria rate, the individual is concerned about possible health consequences and will therefore consider to take action by taking antimalarial medicine. The HBM model can be also linked with the NHS Life check

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