Health Promotion

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4.Health Promotion
It entails the collection of those activities that help individuals in developing resources that will maintain or support well- being and improve the quality of life. Its common goal with health teaching is to encourage people to achieve a high level of wellness as possible so that they can live maximally healthy lives and avoid preventable illnesses. The activities involved include public awareness, health services, protective measures, improvement to be made on health status and all are done to control costs and prevent avoidable sicknesses and death.
Personal Life
With health promotion I have identified health protecting behaviours and to help explain what makes people engage in these promoting behaviours. These behaviours …show more content…

People now decide to make changes that will promote a high level of wellness such as engaging in personal hygiene and cleaning one’s environment for disease prevention. Health promotion programs have now moved into the communities settings.
Current Related Researchers
A study done by the U.S public Health Service, 2003 suggested that health promotion and the use of prevention services are the main ingredients for the health goals for all nations. They identified two essential goods from this report which are:-
1. Improve the quality and years of healthy life for people and
2. Eliminate health disparities among various segments of the …show more content…

It is beneficial to me especially in nursing care because it can determine how well individuals and families are able to perform behaviours conducive to optimal self-care.
Social Context
Whenever a health educators comes in contact with a health care consumer either the person is sick or not is an opportunity to impacting knowlegde for the nurse. The nurse therefore is expected to employ wonderful skills such as excellent communication skills, analytical skills to use on this opportunity so as to bring a high level of wellness to the consumers. This teaching can take place in homes hospitals community health centres, places of business etc.

Current Related Researchers
Murray and Zethner, 2001 found-out that the nurse’s success with health education is determined by an s assessment, of the variables affecting the patient’s capacity to adopt specific behaviours to obtain resources and to maintain a helpful social environment

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