Healing Experience Reflection

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I believe that growth and healing can only take place through release from pain and the acceptance of responsibility concerning one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is a lesson that I learned from my own personal experience with mental illness and my continuous journey to recovery and healing. Physical, emotional, and mental pain are simply part of the human experience. For me, it was the repression of this pain that began to manifest in the way that I moved, thought, spoke, and even breathed. I went from being an Honors student to an average student. I purposely avoided my friends and family because I did not want them to be concerned or realize that I was struggling with some inner demons of my own. Essentially, I became a shell of myself. The simplest tasks threw me into a whirlwind of confusion and panic. No matter how hard I tried, it was as if my brain literally shut down when the slightest indications of stress arose. For two whole years, I struggled in silence because I had no idea how to address what was happening to me. The issue was not one of not …show more content…

I learned that acceptance is not becoming complacent but acknowledge my emotions as they came, understanding that they are necessary in order to grow. I am aware that ruminating on my past injuries only hinders my healing, instead I choose to replace them with enriching thoughts filled with prosperity. I am much more selective about the company I keep because I understand that there are energies undetectable my the human eye that greatly effect me. And finally, I have forgiven myself for my failures, wrongdoings, as well as those who have wronged me. I experience a variety of emotions on a daily basis but regret is not one of them. The late Maya Angelou accurately embodies my attitude towards my circumstances, good or bad. The quote reads, “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do

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