Genesis 15: 1-12: The Abrahamic Covenant

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Question 1 The Abrahamic Covenant is seen in Genesis 12:1-7, 15:1-16, and 17:1-21. Throughout Genesis, God has been testing Abram or Abraham’s faith and obedience towards Him. In Genesis 12:1-3 and 7, God promised Abram that He will make his name great, to make him a great nation, to be a blessing to others, to bless those who bless him, to curse those who curse him, and a land for his descendants (Genesis 12:1-3 and 7, ESV). This promise was conditional as God required Abram to leave his land, Ur, and go to a place where God would show him. God required Abram to act upon faith and follow Him in order to be blessed and be a blessing. Since this was the first account of the promise, God is introducing to Abram His promise to him. The next …show more content…

Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his only son, Isaac (Genesis 22:2, ESV). This sacrificial act was a confirmation of Abraham’s faithfulness and obedience to God. This act also was a promise that all will be blessed. Similarly, God had to sacrifice his one and only son, Jesus, for a purpose (John 3:16). Jesus’s crucifixion was a hope for humanity, and a reconciliation of God and man. They were to be the perfect sacrifice, the sacrificial lamb of God. In John 1:29, it mentions that the Lamb of God will take the sins of the world (ESV). Similarly, Isaac was the replacement for the burnt offering since God had instructed Abraham to offer his son as a burnt offering (Genesis 22:2, ESV). Another parallel is seen in that both Isaac and Jesus was sacrificed or crucified away from their homeland. According to Genesis 22, it took Abraham and Isaac two days to travel by foot to a mountain, where Isaac was to be a sacrifice. Jesus had to travel by foot to a hill or mountain called Golgatha, where he was crucified. On the third day, Isaac was to be sacrificed. Abraham had buried Isaac’s death in his heart for three days while in Jesus’s case, he died and rose on the third

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