Abrahamic Covenant Essay

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Abraham was portrayed as the father of the Jewish people and this serves as a key element in Judaism. A covenant is an agreement between two parties. Between God and Abraham there existed unconditional covenants in which God made promises to him that required nothing in return; there were no conditions were attached. Abrahamic covenant was everlasting and from the Bible it begins to unfold from the book of Genesis12. One day God spoke to Abraham with an intention of making a covenant with man whom he chose as his partner. Abraham was told by God to leave his home to a different land since the people of Ur worshipped idols of wood and stone. The covenant made between them had a lot of promises. Abraham left with his wife Sarai, Lot his nephew, …show more content…

Abraham obeyed God by preparing wood and loading his donkey and took away Isaac and two servants with him. On reaching the place ordered by God, Abraham built an Alter and arranged the wood on it. He tied up his son and placed him on altar, on top of the wood and picked up the knife to kill him. Abraham was stopped by the Lord’s voice from heaven telling him, he was an obedient man who honored God. The angel of God confirmed to him how God would richly bless him and give him many descendants as there are stars in the sky or grains of sand along the seashore. Provisions of Abrahamic Covenant Unique favor to Abraham’s offspring: According to the Book of Genesis it is indisputable how God vowed to make a great nation out of Abraham, which turned out to be Israel. (Christian, Messaianic, and Jewish Research into Israel’s Two Houses) It has been christened as Kingdom of God or Christendom. The earth multiplied and even today many descendants of Abraham exist. Land: A specific land was to be allocated to Abraham forever, with extensive boundaries starting from the border of Egypt to River Euphrates. God promised Abraham that his seed shall be made the dust of the earth and inherit the land. The control of the land was stretched out to the reign of King

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