Gender Stereotypes In The Textile Industry

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But from what I see, women are always going to be a minority in this industry. It's always going to be seen as a man's world. - Katie Gillard

I don’t like to admit it, but I agree with Katie. There are 300 000 truck drivers in the UK of whom 0,5% are women. When Katie did her practical exams, she was the only girl in the entire class. A stereotypical truck driver is a though man, not a woman. Although I do think women can do these kinds of jobs. Women have certain characteristics that make them perfect for the occupation.

It would be nice to see more women. I think it's because women don't know what grips do. In fact, most people don't know what a grip does. - Louisa Court
I think the more people realised what a butcher does, the more popular this career would be. - Charlotte Harbottle …show more content…

I don’t know what a grip does, nor a butcher. It is a good idea to inform people about these professions. Going into my senior year in high school, I am still not sure what to do for a living. It is simply because there are so many jobs out there, but I don’t know what they all imply.

Women are not prevented from pursuing surgery as a career. I never considered it inaccessible. That said, you have to really want to do it. - Jo Manson

I agree and disagree with Jo her argument. It is true that a passion for the occupation is needed. Although it is easier said than done. A lot of girls and women get criticized for doing typical male jobs. I think that the fear of getting judged by others, especially friends and family, hold them back from doing what they want to

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