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Discrimination against the LGBT community
Discrimination against the LGBT community
Gender pay gap in our society
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Recommended: Discrimination against the LGBT community
Sex Segregation in the Work Place In the article “Sex Segregation at Work: Persistence and Change” by Anastasia Prokos explores ideas around the challenges and reasons of sex segregation in the work place. She argues that even though the United States has made several steps in the right direction throughout our history, there is still “… women and men in the contemporary United States continue to be concentrated in different occupations, jobs, and industries” (Prokos 564). She is presenting this as a social problem that leads to stereotypes, discrimination, and unequal pay. The author explores some stereotypes based on what types of jobs are more women’s type of jobs or more manly jobs. Careers such as carpenters and truck drivers are all …show more content…
In class, we talked about how transgender people face many hardships today and are a highly discriminated group in America. In this article however, the author uses transgender men to prove a point. Prokos states that before the man transitioned, he was not treated as well in the work place when he identified as women. Discrimination can also be based on race, class, and cultural backgrounds of people rather than just discrimination based on …show more content…
The author took some ideas and commentary on other studies to use in her study to back up her arguments and the points she was trying to get across. She also relied heavily on statistics she aquired in the Current Population Survey. She used this information to pull up which jobs are more dominantly women, men, or those that are equal in gender in certain professions. She also used the survey to show that not only do women get paid less in male predominate jobs, but women also get paid less in jobs that are predominately women. Prokos most likely chose to use the survey to easily demonstrate the points she was making that covered a wide range of professions, and to see what the U.S. trends are in professions
Throughout the world, discrimination in all forms has continued to be a constant struggle; whether it’s racial, gender based, religion, beliefs, appearance or anything that makes one person different from another, it’s an everyday occurrence. A major place that discrimination is occurring at is in the workplace. One of the largest problems discrimination issues is believed to be gender. Women, who have the same amount of experience as men are not getting paid at the same rate as men, these women also are equally trained and educated. According to the article Gender Pay, it was discovered in 2007 that a woman makes 81 cents for every dollar a man earns.(“Gender Pay”) . This shouldn’t be happening in today’s society for the fact the society lived in today is suppose to be more accepting. Men are viewed as being more popular, valuable and having higher powers than women. The Reason Discrimination is involved in the equal pay equal work is because of the significance it has to how some businesses pay their employees.
Society stereotypes women in almost all social situations, including in the family, media, and the workplace. Women are often regarded as being in, “Second place” behind men. However, these stereotypes are not typically met by the modern day woman....
Gender, as socially constructed differences between men and women and the beliefs and identities that support difference and inequality, is also present in all organizations (Gender & Society). It has been known that most women have continued to stick to the traditional jobs because it is just easier to do so. They do it to avoid any hardship in the work place and discrimination when applying for a job or working for a company. Non-traditional careers and jobs for woman are hard to find and when hired woman are segregated to the wage gap. Class relations in the workplace, such as supervisory practices or wage-setting processes, were shaped by gendered and sexualized attitudes and assumptions (Gender & Society). For example, in the work place managers were almost always men; the lower-level white-collar workers were always women (Gender &
Gender segregation refers to the employment of men and women in different industries, occupations, firms, or jobs. A growing body of literature has documented the extensiveness of gender segregation and has attempted to explain its origins (see Reskin, 1993, for a review). Gender segregation is a major cause of the gender gap in wages, benefits, and retirement income (Perman & Stevens, 1989; Reskin & Hartmann, 1986; Treiman & Hartmann, 1981). Also, female-dominated jobs provide fewer opportunities for training and formal mobility than male-dominated jobs (Baron, Davis-Blake, & Bielby, 1986; Bielby & Baron, 1986; Halaby, 1979), and women's concentration in lower level positions may make them more vulnerable to repeated unemployment than
A very interesting and important study shows that by writing “Help” Aibileen and Skeeter contributed to something much bigger that they could have imagined and the future would benefit greatly for both black and white women, overall for the greater good. In their study, Kevin Stainback and Soyoung Kwon wanted to determine if women in the workforce could make a difference regarding sex-segregation and inequality between men and women. They were able to come to a conclusion to their study by using the 2005 Korean Workplace Panel Survey which is a collection of establishment samples in the Republic of Korea. Their study concluded that the rate of sex segregation decreased in organizations where a higher number of females had manager positions rather than supervisory positions. Therefore it was concluded that women can be important “agents of change” for the improvement of sex-segregation in the workplace.
However, this report highlights the fact that 21,1% of women work in professional occupations, 17,4% administrative and secretarial occupations and 16,5% in caring, leisure and other services. Confirming that, women still opt for jobs that require less dedication from
Sexism is a major factor in the workforce.Today male and female have a hard time breaking into the opposite gender dominated fields. This has happened because of the media, it has showed us that male have certain “right” jobs, as well as female. Female still dominate traditional female professions like cosmetology jobs are 92.9 percent women working them(Wolfe). If a man were to get into cosmetology they would most likely be judged for having that job, because we stereotype that they can't have a feminine job. Women have a harder time getting into high level positions. “Women make up only 21 of the S&P’s 500 CEOs,” (Berman). This has happened because the media has set in place stereotypes that it is wrong for women to have high level positions. It is getting better, in 2013 women chief financial officers increased 35 percent at large U.S. companies from 2012 (Frier and Hymowitz). The job market for men and women is still unfair but it is starting to get equal.
When one thinks of a nurse or an office assistant most likely they will associate this job with a female. And when someone mentions doctor, mechanic, or construction worker they automatically think of a man. But that in reality a man can have a job a woman has and vice versa. These ideas are supported by the fact that there are certain physical qualities each individual possesses that compels society to lean and somewhat adopt these stereotypes. Most women don’t possess the same strength a lot of men do
These traditional roles and consequently women’s identities have been formed and maintained by the workplace, therefore understanding any gender differences in labor requires an examination in this light. Grant and Porter remind the researcher that the concepts of male and female are not independent relationships of the workplace, but have been strongly influenced and determined by the relationships of male and female in society at large.
In a world that has grown increasingly smaller due to mass media, world travel, and readily available information, the workplace has grown increasingly diverse in both gender and cultural aspects. Individuals no longer live and work within the confines of their geographic locations. At almost any position with any company the individual employee is a part of a larger world economy that harvests assets from the ends of the earth. Because of this, companies seek to capitalize on diversity to become more creative and flexible in their business models.
For many decades, women have faced inequalities in the workforce. At one point, they were not allowed to work at all. Although women's rights have improved and are now able to work alongside men, they are still treated unfairly. According to the 2012 U.S. Census, women’s earnings were “76.5 percent of men’s” (1). In 2012, men, on average, earned $47,398 and women earned only $35,791. This is when comparing employees where both gender spend the same amount of time working. Not only do women encounter unfairness in work pay, they also face a “glass ceiling” on a promotional basis. This glass ceiling is a “promotion barrier that prevents woman’s upward ability” (2). For example, if a woman is able to enter a job traditionally for men, she will still not receive the same pay or experience the same increase in occupational ability. Gender typing plays a huge role in the workplace. It is the idea that women tend to hold jobs that are low paid with low status. Women are not highly considered in leadership positions because of social construction of gender. Society has given women the role of “caretakers” and sensitive individuals. Therefore, women are not depicted as authoritative figures, which is apparent with the absence of women in leadership roles in companies. Furthermore, sex segregation leads to occupations with either the emphasis of women in a certain job or men in a certain job. In 2009, occupations with the highest proportion of women included “secretary, child care worker, hair dresser, cashier, bookkeeper, etc.” (3). Male workers typically held job positions as construction workers, truck drivers, taxi drivers, etc. (3). Sex segregation represents inequality because the gender composition for these jobs depends on what ...
Throughout our nation’s history, women have been looked down upon. Society often tells women that they cannot do all of the things that a man can. Most people have this misconception that women cannot get their hands dirty, guys can do anything better than girls, and that there are certain jobs meant only for men. Stereotypes like these kept women from certain career fields, but, with todays evolving society, women are setting the bar higher for themselves.
First we need to examine the cases where this is present. Less obvious stereotypes are those of women. Women?s roles in society have changed throughout the times. Are the...
Gender Inequality at a Workplace Historically, males and females normally assume different kinds of jobs with varying wages in the workplace. These apparent disparities are widely recognized and experienced across the globe, and the most general justification for these differences is that they are the direct outcomes of discrimination or traditional gender beliefs—that women are the caregivers and men are the earners. However, at the turn of the new century, women have revolutionized their roles in the labor market. Specifically in industrialized societies, the social and economic position of women has shifted. Despite the improving participation of women in the labor force and their ameliorating proficiency and qualifications, the labor force is still not so favorable to women.
It can be concluded that women are treated in terms of stereotyped impressions of being the lowest class and greater evidence can be found that there are large disparities between the women and the men 's class. It can be seen that women are more likely to play casual roles as they are most likely to take seasonal and part time work so that they can work according to their needs. They are hampered from progressing upward into the organizations as they face problems like lack of health insurance, sexual harassments, lower wage rates, gender biases and attitudes of negative behavior. However, this wouldn’t have hampered the participation of the women in the work force and they continue to increase their efforts which is highly evident in the occupational and job ratios of females in the industry.