Love Actually Essay Topics

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The movie Love Actually opens up to a scene about the idea of numerous families welcoming their loved ones in an airport, and then proceeds to tell different love stories of various people 5 weeks before Christmas Arrives. There are 10 different stories throughout the film with some of them connecting as they play out. One of the character name is Daniel, who unfortunately just lost his wife Joanna and is left to take care of his stepson Sam on his own. In the beginning he doesn’t understand how he is supposed to step up and be a parent to Sam. However, he ends up helping his son get the girl he admires, and ends up meeting a girl of his own, Carol. Another set of characters is Juliet and Peter. This couple shown just got married, but they …show more content…

Harry is a director of a design agency, while his wife is at home raising the children. During this time, he got a new secretary, Mia, and began to have a physical and mental relationship with her. On Christmas eve, Karen realizes what is going on and calls Harry out on it forcing him to confess. Although in the epilogue they are still together, it is obvious that they do not have the relationship they once did have. This can be related to the double standard in society. Harry did something morally incorrect, but according to the double standard, he was doing what was expected of him. According to Seccombe (2016), boys at any age are rewarded for having numerous sexual partners and are labeled as gay if they stray from the traditional view of masculinity. I’ve seen this often throughout my friends lives. Many of the males I know, who have experienced infidelity in their parent’s relationship, tend to experience it in their own lives as well. They fall back on their parent’s old habits because they feel as though they have to live up to sexual traditional standards that men are held to. The double standard also appeals to Karen as well. Even if she did feel like she was willing to give her husband a second chance, the double standard treats women as though they become the scum of the earth while men are simply rewarded just for getting sexual …show more content…

According to Seccombe (2016), jealousy is known for being threatened by any real or irrational threat. When looking at relationships this can involve emotional and mental sides of a couple. This can be seen within the love triangle of Juliet, Peter, and Mark. While Mark is happy that his best friend is getting married, he shows his jealousy by being cold toward Juliet at all times. In the end he expresses his feelings toward her so she knows, but she still ends up married to his best friend Peter. I see this happen to a lot of my friends throughout life. At some point everyone experiences jealousy, especially when it comes to relationships. Everyone wants what they can’t have. The point is to not let jealousy control your entire life. There comes a point where you need to come to terms with the things you cannot

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