Fierce Competition In America

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Fierce competition is an exemplary attribute of America and should be allowed to continue to help america rise to any challenge. Fierce competition can be seen driving americans to the best work possible as well as creating friendships between workers, and helps us practice learning on at a extremely fast rate. America should never give up on its ability to compete on a high level to try and make things better. Some people in America believe that competition does little in forming better products and may even hurt the quality of the product;however, they are incorrect competition helps form better processes as well as helps the quality. If America got rid of competition there would be no need for better products or a need for people to try and improve products because there would be nothing to drive them. America has used competition to drive us to better quality in the past as well as the present whether it is SpaceX vs Blue Bird or Chevy vs Ford we have always competed to try and gain an upperhand in quality as well as production time. Finally the quality of American products will continue to rise and improve as as long as competition is allowed in here. Groups of Americans …show more content…

Competition even in school can help drive the mediocre to good and the good to great when it comes to trying to be the best. Whether it is to become valedictorian or even pass math class we each strive using competition to push people in America to want to become someone important. Competition drives people to want to become innovators in their field of work;for example, Henry Ford used competition to drive his company forward and develop things like the assembly line. Given these points competition is the sole driving force behind innovators and America’s ability to learn

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