Female Genital Mutilation Essay

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INTRODUCTION Imagine an innocent five year old girl told to wake up in the early morning under the pretext we will go to a market and we will buy you a new dress but instead blind folded and held down by strong adult hands and your genitals mutilated without any anesthesia or pain killer. This is the horrific practice a large number of girls going through. According to the World Health report “More than 125 million girls and women alive today have been cut 29 countries in Africa and Middle East where FGM is concentrated and if there is no reduction in the practice between now and 2050, the number of girls cut each year will grow from 3.6 million in 2013 to 6.6 million in 2050(UNICEF, 2013 PP 2).” As you read this paper you can imagine how many innocent little girls go through unbearable pain everyday and forced to live with the consequences of female genital mutilation for the rest of their life. In this paper I will discuss Why Female genital Mutilation is a public health issue and show the interdependence of the five public health dimensions to the topic. What is female genital mutilation? According to the WHO Female genital Mutilation refers to any procedure involving intentional alteration or …show more content…

Complications such as hemorrhage, severe pain local and systemic infections due to the wound, delayed healing; anemia and tetanus are some of physical complications associated with female genital mutilation (Toubia N, 1997). The 2006 world health organization study also shows that female genital mutilation has immediate health complications from Severe pain due to lack of proper anesthesia. Excessive bleeding (hemorrhage) and septic shock, difficulty in passing urine can occur due to swelling and pain. Death can be caused by hemorrhage or infections, including tetanus and shock (WHO, 2006

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