Extreme Weight Loss Tips To Lose Weight Fast

517 Words2 Pages

This is an other article about How to lose Weight Fast? this part whill gives you all the nutrition advice you need to achieve extreme weight loss and take control of your life. Our bodies are a reflection of our habits and values. Let your body to show others that you are a person who has mastered their own health.

Extreme Weight Loss Tips # 1 :Nutrition Ratios:

Whenever possible, try to increase the amount of protein you consume at each meal during the day. The higher the ratio of protein compared with fats and carbohydrates, the better the metabolism boost and the lower the insulin spike.

Extreme Weight Loss Tips # 2 : Eat often :

Each time we eat a small, food rich in protein, which stimulate metabolism. Therefore, we must use this to our advantage as much as possible. Try to eat every 2 to 2.5 hours and never let go for more than 3 hours. This will keep your metabolism into overdrive and ultimately lead to extreme weight loss.

Extreme Weight Loss Tips # 3 : Only protein before bed :

Always remember to avoid carbohydrates at least 3 hours before going to ...

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