Explain Why Children Should Not Have Phones Essay

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Why Children 10 years and Under Should not have Phones Looking in every direction, phones are everywhere. Especially in the hands of young children spending countless hours on devices, sending message after message, playing game after game. Does there need to be a stop to this habit of technology use? Or is it ok to allow children to continue using phones every second of their day at a young age? Children under the age of 10 should not have a phone because of the negative impacts on their behavior, overuse of technology becoming a long time distraction, and the harm done to young brains. Many young children under the age of ten, who are using phones at an early age may have a negative impact on their behavior and development as they grow older. The Early Human Learning Partnership Association, who researches the actions of young children stated, “One in three children now enter schools with mental development delayed, which has negatively impacted literacy and academic achievement.” If children didn’t use their devices, they may have had a better chance of doing good in school. Also connecting to how these young children do in school to their behaviors; if …show more content…

Children could be harmed from a young age and may even cause issues for children of the “wanted” prospects of life. As more and more children are getting their hands full with devices, the harm on their brains is rising for their future. Then getting distracted with their devices has shown the impact on how children are doing in school and how many habits of their lifestyle is altered in their future. Now looking at the extent of Children having phones under the age of 10; having a phone because of the negative impacts on child’s behavior, overuse of technology becoming a long time distraction, and the harm done to young

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