Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In School Essay

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Cell phones have only been in the picture for a short amount of time compared to how long people have been going to school but cell phones are everywhere now and make it difficult for schools to come up with what to do. As many believe they are a distraction and can be used for cheating and other negative stuff. There are also people that are highly in favor of having cellphones as they can be helpful with all the tools they provide and people who are not and it 's all about who makes a better argument. Cell phones used to just have communication abilities but that is far gone now you have the abilities to use apps and different functions that fit nicely into a school environment. Cell phones should be allowed in the classroom as cell phones provide positive benefits and are a helpful tool in learning. Cell phones can be used as a useful tool in the classroom as there are advantages to using cell phones opposed to not using cell phones. “Cell phones also do offer advantages, the camera phone can have a number of educational benefits. The camera …show more content…

Cell phones are small and portable yet provide so much to its user with being able to look up anything to calling your parents in case of an emergency or if you need to give them a heads up on something. With the way things are today people need to focus on incorporating cell phones into daily life and finding ways to make them more suitable in a classroom environment. Teachers are already doing this though with using apps that work with the whole class and can track data and usage of a student. It cannot be debated that cell phones are beneficial in school as before cell phones you would have to go to your local library and hopefully find what you are looking for. Cell phones belong in a school environment as they can be helpful and it 's a parent 's right to be able to get ahold of their

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