Technology In Early Childhood Education

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Technology continues to grow and become part of everyday Life. However, more often times than not it becomes an obsession; many are consumed by the latest technological advances. People become inclined to develop addictive tendencies by never turning off or placing their devices on silent. Many agree the modern devices have helped to improve daily life at home and work. As part of today’s culture revolves around technological advancements such as phones, iPad’s; these devices are what is handed to children not as a learning tool but to distract them. Technology is a part of today’s generation; and children will continue to grow with technology, thus having a detrimental effect on their cognitive function, sociocultural and their well-being. Childhood is being transformed by technology, often claiming the latest devices make life easier. Technology is literally at the touch of the finger allowing the world to be easily accessible. What impacts a child using various devices is the risk of not learning to socialize with other children. As children our memories of Childhood experiences shape the future of how adults act as parents. In a study done …show more content…

Children learn certain skill sets to help educate their needs. However, due to the demand of rapid change in technologies and the implications for their use in early childhood education there becomes a needed to keep up with the latest trends. Preservice and professional development should include in-depth, hands-on technology experiences, ongoing support, and access to the latest technology and interactive media (Parikh). However, not only is the issue of the dangers of technology than its creative potential at hand; but funding. Parikh continues to state how there is a deficit in government funding for public schools, but the kids in disadvantage communities rarely have the opportunities for technology used at school to increase learning

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