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Expert Teacher Interview Questions and Answers
1) Do you feel you are confident teaching all the subject matter? Are there some areas you feel more comfortable teaching? Less comfortable? Has an area of specialization aided you in teaching the subject matter?
Yes, I feel confident teaching all areas. I do have an area of concentration in Social Studies, so I teach two classes of Social Studies and the other teacher teaches my class science. It is one less class to prepare for and it gives me a chance to meet some other kids. I teach all other subjects.
2) How have you encouraged the less motivated students to participate in the lesson and do their work?
I let my children know that they are at least responsible for paying attention. They do get called upon and I try my best to keep a tally on class participation. As far as their work is concerned, these kids are ten years old and in fourth grade. They make the choices. When work isn't turned in, I give them the chance to "fix" it themselves before I make any home contact. If this doesn't work, calls are made and maybe a conference is set up.
3) What student-centered techniques do you utilize to enhance student understanding? (e.g. small group work, class discussions, jigsaw method of group work, student-centered discovery, etc.) Do you recommend some types of student-directed learning over others, or not at all?
I use a lot of classroom discussion and let students discuss things in pairs before we discuss as a group. I use my boards and do the very best I can to ensure all kids understand what is being discussed. I don't get the chance myself to work with small groups as much as I would like because our class sizes are so big. I recommend mys...
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...at home, you can do anything.
9) What are some of your professional goals? How about long-term goals for your students?
I coach two sports: Track and Field and Cross Country. I would like to continue to do this until I reach the 25 year mark. Currently, I have been coaching for 14 years. I really enjoy teaching children and coaching young adults. I would like to continue taking classes to better myself. I started a masters program in administration, but it wasn't for me. For my students? Take advantage of good opportunities. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Graduate from high school. Pursue something after high school: college, trade school, military.
10) In your own words, what should be the main goal of any teacher?
To TEACH - but make learning fun. Smile. Laugh. Be fair and impartial. You are the best part of many student's day!
5. How does this article impact your journey as an educator? How will you use this information to influence your classroom
I listen to my students. I allow time for their individual impute in what they are learning, and adjust accordingly. I really believe that is why students can be so into the idea of being taught, because they are all encouraged to lead the discussion and projects before them as it relates to the curriculum. I try to learn from my students by listening to their interpretation. I am learning what interest them, and feed off of it in the work that needs to be performed. Work towards a positive social society, with this education does takes place for our students, teachers, and community, all for a better future, one that is full of knowledge and acceptance. What could be any
List any special features of your school or classroom setting (e.g., charter, co-teaching, themed magnet, remedial course, honors course) that will affect your teaching in this learning segment.
For the lead teacher interview assignment, I had the opportunity to sit down with and interview my son’s EC teacher from last year, Mrs. Hamm. Since my son started at the school last year, Mrs. Hamm has helped him in so many different ways. Mrs. Hamm has been teaching for over 20 years from her home state of Pennsylvania and more currently at Mount Energy Elementary School in Creedmoor, NC. Mrs. Hamm has been teaching at Mount Energy Elementary School in Creedmoor, NC for the last 12 years and recently awarded “Teacher of the Year”. Mrs. Hamm, up until this school year, was the main EC teacher for all grades Kindergarten through fifth grade at Mount Energy Elementary School. As of the present school year, the school district made the determination that she was over the acceptable number of students. As a result, they decided to hire an additional EC teacher and assistant to teach grades 3-5th and Mrs. Hamm would teach grades K-2. Mrs. Hamm was the teacher of 18 students until this decision was made, now with grades K-2, she has 9 students in her class.
I plan on attending trainings to keep up with the various concepts and principles that I will have to follow when teaching. I will also need to develop deeper understandings of adolescent development, which will help when I am teaching to see changes in behavior and understanding and how it relates to each individual student. As a long term goal, I will build relationships with fellow teachers to provide them support and learn together to become a team of advocates for our students. I know that it is up to me to grow and continue learning all that I can to provide my students with the best learning experience possible.
I believe it is equally important to have a classroom that is student-centered. I do not imagine my classroom arranged with rows of seated desks all facing the front of the classroom. Instead, I think that students should have the opportunity to work amongst their peers in small groups, studying a wide array of topics. Students will not be required to focus their attention on on...
This being my first year of teaching I feel there are so many things that I have learned, and have helped me too become a good teacher. Yet I have so much more to learn, I still believe that students have the ability to learn and as a teacher it is my job to find ways to help them to become the best person they can be. Through being a reflective teacher, using professionalism, respecting diversity and having collaboration and community connecting this can be accomplished. When I am having fun teaching the student will have learning that material, this will help them to be relaxed and engaged in that lesson. I feel it is important to connect what they are learning to things that they have experienced in the real-world.
Field Book Essay In a science class teaching the teacher must use student centered approach to convey his or her ideas or teaching matters. I observed a science class on rocks and minerals. The teacher used a teacher centered approach with very little participation from the students. I do believe that children centered approach gives better opportunity for students to participate and learn. But the teacher used no motivational devises to stimulate interest. The objective of the lesson was to make the students able to identify 15 different types of rocks and mineral and the difference between them. The students learned to identify 15 different types of rocks and mineral and the difference between them. The two students Charles and William did not satisfy at the end of the lesson. There was no criterion about the effectiveness of the lesson. The teacher had a lesson plan and she got most of the content of the lesson from Internet sources. The teacher was free to set objectives. The objectives guided lesson planning. The evaluation was planned by using the verbal response of the students during the class. If I were the teacher I would use more of student centered approach to convince the students. The lesson was teacher-centered and did not encourage the students as much as needed. The students were not motivated at all to learn in this lesson. The climate was not feasible for learning that would have impacted motivation. The student centered approach would be beneficial and useful to the students or the participants of the classroom. Through continuous study and up-to-date Knowledge the teacher should remain current in their subject area field. As far as the teachers, professional development is concerned she must be well prepared...
We must have the correct mind-set. We believe our students can learn; have high expectations; are willing to give extra help; find ways to make
The first main reason that I have chosen teaching as a profession is because I believe that it’s continuous rewards will help me to lead a happy and fulfilled life. For example, teaching young children is one of the few jobs in which you can give and receive hugs on a daily basis. Children have an innocence and a passion for knowledge that I find amazing and I do not feel complete unless I am around them. Teaching will help provide this fulfillment for me every day. Also, teaching is a job in which it is ok, and even encouraged, to laugh each and every day. I feel that this is important for a person’s well-being and I think that it helps to keep people young and alive. I feel that in many other professions the day-to-day routine would become monotonous and boring, and I do not think that I would live a truly happy and fulfilled life unless I could be around children. I feel that a classroom provides many unique and dynamic opportunities every single day and I find that very appealing. Also, I am a very relationship-oriented person and I feel that I will enjoy building unique relationships with each child. I plan on knowing every child as thoroughly as possible because I feel that this will help me to be better at my job.
Teaching for all types of various students with different multiple intelligences doesn’t scare me. I know it will be hard and a lot of work, but I want it. I am so passionate about becoming a teacher because I want to help students find that spark of learning where they can’t stop and want to continuously discover. The hard times that I had as a student have ready made me want to create enthusiastic confident learners because I believe if students do not have those qualities they will be simply taught rather than be active learners. Ralph Waldo Emerson said one of my favorite quotes. He stated, “nothing great was ever achieved without
My philosophy on education and learning is simple; to teach my future students to the best of my ability to achieve academic success. As well as getting to know my students well. Getting to know a little of their background can help make a difference in our teaching career. As a teacher, we care for our student’s educational needs and to achieve a full potential in their learning ability. I believe that education is an individual, unique experience for every student who enters a classroom. Having a passion for teaching and providing students with a proper education should always be a teacher’s top priority.
Teaching is a daunting task that I do not intend to take lightly. Becoming a teacher has been a dream of mine for several years. I always knew that teaching would be the career for me, especially when I began working in the school system as a substitute secretary. I loved working in the school environment; coming in contact with children everyday made me realize how much I would enjoy teaching a classroom full of students.
As a future educator, I have many goals. My first goal would be to never overpower my students. Being a teacher should not be a job, it should be a passion. I will focus my classroom around the student’s needs, rather than my own. The classroom will revolve around the students. I will be their guiding hand through education. Another goal of mine is to have the students interact in a positive way. Social interaction is very important. As students combine with peers they share knowledge and learn how to solve problems. In the real-world, this what will happen. Whenever I can, I li...
As an educator, there is always room for reflection and growth. Being in this class has provided an opportunity for both. From my knowledge gained in this class I believe that I have become smarter and have learned how to implement different tool into my teaching as well as general life as a teacher. Of the topics discussed in this class, commitment to students, avoiding burnout and reflective practices had the biggest impact on my professional growth.