Examples Of Teamwork

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In order for a restaurant to function properly, you need to be able work together. Teamwork is defined as cooperated and coordinated effort on the part of the group of people acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause. The restaurant Marker 107 demonstrates teamwork very well. Marker 107 is a seafood restaurant on the water. We serve all types of seafood, and we also serve foods like chicken and burgers. I have the privilege of working there, so i am able to observe not only what takes place in the dining area, but also the kitchen. If it wasn't for teamwork, the restaurant would not be able to function on a daily basis. Teamwork at Marker 107 starts hours before opening each day. Kitchen workers arrive roughly five hours before the restaurant opens. They start prepping food, sauces, the salad station, washing dishes, and the most dreaded task of peeling …show more content…

As soon as someone has their own station cleaned up, they automatically go and help someone else. The biggest example of teamwork at the end of the night is the dishwashers. They have one person spraying the dishes and putting them in the machine and then another person putting them away. As the end of the night come around, the dish gets really backed up because everything has to be washed and the machine can only go so fast. Most of the time somebody else will step up and grab some of the dishes and wash them by hand at the sink to hurry the process up. When I interviewed my manager, the word teamwork came up a few times. I asked her how teamwork plays a role in the restaurant. She stated, "Without teamwork in the restaurant, we would not have a restaurant. Everyone working together is what makes the magic happen". One saying we use a lot at Marker 107 is, teamwork makes the dream work. That pretty much says that teamwork makes everything you see and don't see as you dine at Marker 107

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