Essay On Tourettes Syndrome

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My report is on Tourettes Disorder or Tourettes Syndrome(TS). Tourettes Syndromeis defined as a neurological disorder characterized by the involuntary actions and vocalizations and often compulsive utterences of obsenities, called tics. The disorder was first named in 1885after a french neurologist, Dr. George Gilles da la Tourette.

Tics fall under two types of classification known as simple or complex. Simple tics only invovle a limited number of muscle groups. They can include anything from eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, facial movememts, and head or shoulder jerking. A person may also have vocal tics as well including sniffing, grunting sounds or repetative throat clearing. Complex tics are just how they are described, complex. they are distinct patterns of movemeng involving a number of different muscle groups. An example of a complex tic is a facial gesture with a shoulder shrug. A severe form of this type of tic is where the per inflicts harm upon themselves. Complex tics can be vocalized as well, these tics are mostly in the form of words or phrasis. There a...

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