Essay On Segregation In Schools

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Segregation in Schools Segregation in schools has been around for a very long time. Recently, schools have become equal to all students, but schools still experience forms of segregation. "African American and Latino students continue to lag behind white students on achievement exams, in high school graduation rates, and college completion rates." (The Pursuit of Racial and Ethnic Equality in American Public Schools : Mendez, Brown, and Beyond by Bowman, Kristi L.) Over the last century American school's racial and ethnic equality has changed significantly. Segregation in schools has been around for a very long time. People believed that blacks and whites shouldn’t be in the same schools. Everything was separate, the school buses, the school houses, even There were many court cases that talked about the segregation in schools. Some of them were Brown vs. Board of education, Cooper vs. Aaron, and Plessy …show more content…

On September 2, 1957 the governor of Arkansas sent the national guard to The Little Rock High School to prevent nine black students from entering the school. The national guard was removed after three weeks but a white mob replaced them. The mayor reached out to President Eisenhower saying that the police couldn’t keep the peace. President Eisenhower sent US troops to make sure that the black students could enter the school. The school ended up closing but reopened as a desegregated school. "This was the first time since Reconstruction that US troops were sent to the south to protect the civil rights of blacks" (Little Rock (1957) from A Dictionary of Contemporary History - 1945 to the present). This was a big step in making blacks and whites equal in education. The President sent US troops to protect black students. This probably made people realize that if the president was trying to protect these students then maybe black people aren't that

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