Essay On Reflection In Nursing

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To grow with the greater demands of modern health consumers, nursing can attain ways to distil stagnation while advancing with the constant flow of healthcare, providing ever increasing care. A key technique current and nurses in learning can use is reflection based on past experiences. This method of critical thinking enables the user to have an approach of systematic analysis for present and future scenarios with the intent of improvement. In terms of knowing, reflection has appeared to be a crucial part of learning and understanding. (Bonis, 2009). Using the five R’s the nurse at any capacity has the means to organise their thoughts in an effective manner while being an efficient cycle to use in a range of situations. The method is as follows; Reporting, Responding, Relating, Reasoning and Reconstructing. (Bain et al., 2002) Each play a pivotal role and are …show more content…

My group members were working on the fluid sheet while I had the task to ask the health consumer of their fluid intake for the day. At first it was stressful due to how much information that had to be gathered but the stress went down as I started to somewhat add small talk in-between measurements to slow the dictation down. After some time, my job was done and was free for a couple minutes were I further injected small talk such as suggesting to change the channel on the television and asked how well was the tea. This resulted in a little bit of light hearted but brief conversation that I hoped to put the health consumer at ease. At the end the group figured out the health consumer’s fluid intake was too low and concluded on that. Having prior knowledge of the fluid balance chart would have been beneficial, regardless with the help of the instructor and experienced group member, the group managed in realizing the correct course of action. For the final activity I did not have any idea of what it may be

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