Essay On Reconstruction After The Civil War

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There were many factors that contributed to the withdrawal of Reconstruction after the Civil War, but whose fault really was it? Controversy was created multiple times disputing the fact whether the North or South were responsible for the downfall of Reconstruction. The main idea of Reconstruction was to create a fair relation with the South as well as rebuild the South’s devastation as a result of the Civil War. The year of 1876 marked an important date for many; one being the Election of 1876 which advanced the conclusion of Reconstruction. At the time, the fear of a new civil war was clear and was prioritized to avoid the circumstance. Therefore, an informal agreement was created called “The Compromise of 1877” which presidency to Robert B. Hayes, the republican candidate running against the democratic candidate, Samuel J. Tilden. Hence, the end of Reconstruction was the fault of the North because of scandals having to be primarily dealt with, and the dilemma between the black americans’ incompetence towards political duties as seen in documents C …show more content…

They were more engaged on their own scandals that were happening during the Reconstruction period. “Weary of the ‘Negro Question’ and ‘sick of carpet-bag’ government, many Northern voters shifted their attention to such national concerns as the Panic of 1873 and corruption in Grant’s administration” (Document C). This conveys the mindlessness the Northerners had for Reconstruction in concern of potential governmental corruption. Also seen in document C, there is a cartoon that exhibits President Grant digging through a barrel to find scandals to solve. This displays the president’s real concerns he had meanwhile disregarding the rebuilding of the South. The Reconstruction was the last focus the North had in comparison with all their other problems that had to be faced which eventually led to the end of the

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