Essay On Quality Improvement Planning

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For this week’s written assignment, I will be discussing my organization’s quality program goals and objectives. I will discuss the quality management structure within my organization. I will also explain how quality improvement projects are selected, managed, and monitored, as well as if the nursing staff have any input. I will identify quality improvement inservice programs that are available for staff within my facility and describe an overview of these programs. I will explain what quality methodology and quality tools techniques are utilized and if they are effective or not. I will also explain how quality improvement activities and processes are communicated to the staff and if the communication is effective, as well as if it could be improved upon. I will describe how my organization evaluates quality improvement activities for effectiveness and what the process is when the quality improvement activity is not effective. I will provide two examples of a quality improvement initiative that have been effective in my organization and the quality improvement process that occurred. I will also identify the impact this has on patient outcomes and if it resulted in a change in practice. After discussing these issues, I will end this discussion with a conclusion. …show more content…

Quality improvement projects within my organization are evaluated through the methodology and must be approved by the Board. The evaluation process concentrates on methodical network and the organization’s implementation, this is monitored continuously and evaluated based on essential elements. The quality management program is based on four major components, including: facility-wide projects, system-wide quality activities, department-specific quality monitoring and process improvement

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