Essay On Abusive Relationships

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Abusive Relationships & Teens

Abusive relationships aren’t something we usually associate with teens. However, they are a serious issue. Most of us, though, don’t have a clear idea of what abuse between partners really looks like. How can we tell if a friend ends up in such a scenario? Much less, ourselves? In the following paragraphs, we will explore the answers to these questions. First, I will define an abusive relationship. There are three kinds of abuse: physical, emotional, and verbal. Physical abuse is any kind of physical attack or forced prevention of an action. Emotional abuse can be things such as harassment or embarrassment, i.e., any type of derogatory remark. Finally, verbal abuse consists of accusations, yelling, insults, et cetera. Also, keep in mind, abuse can go both ways, be it boy to girl or vice versa. A healthy relationship is based off of trust and respect—not fear and anger. Now, what are the odds a teen will experience abuse? We hardly ever hear of it happening, anyway. Therefore, it’s not very likely, right? Wrong. A third of middle to high school aged students across the United States have experienced at least …show more content…

Another is hitting, slapping, kicking, or any other undesired physical advance, even forced sexual advances. Those are fairly obvious. What about some that aren’t as easy to recognize? These could include your partner making threats should you choose to leave the relationship, or you feel you have to apologize for his or her behavior. Be very wary of this, and also try to look out for your friends should they find themselves in such a situation. Has your friend been acting differently? Does he or she have unexplained broken bones or marks? Unexplained emotional outbursts? Is your friend suffering in school? These could all point to an abusive relationship with his or her “significant

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