Essay In Praise Of Antihero

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The theme of the anti-hero has been a part of fictional culture for a long time. Even though the term anti-hero does not have an airtight definition, Victor Brombert, in his book ‘In Praise of Antiheroes’ writes, "The term 'antihero' as it has come to be used, is indeed linked to a paradoxical, at times provocative stance. Dostoevsky gave that term currency in the final section of Notes from Underground, a seminal work that questions the idea of the hero in life as well as in art." The antihero has forever been an object of reflection, judgment and desire. He defies, amongst other things, being neatly compartmentalized into the various strata of the spectrum of good and evil. He has thwarted conforming to one, single, all-inclusive definition. To understand the concept of the anti-hero, one must begin by studying the idea of a hero.
The main character is a hero is his strong moral and strength. In the course of the plot, the hero is charged with a quest. He is tested, often to prove himself and moral stand’s worth through the quest. The cycle must, then, reach a point wherein the hero decides to give up or appears conquered. This is followed by a resurrection. Lastly, the hero overcomes all of his fears, doubts and defeats. He also regains his rightful place in the social structure. The anti-hero rejects this idea from the very start as the anti-hero does not have a moral stand. He sets his own rules and fights his battles on his own terms.

As mentioned earlier, it is rather difficult to define an anti-hero as the term can be can be extremely subjective. Generally, however, an anti-hero will have his human frailties. He will have his flaws. This makes him far more accessible as he is more realistic. He is often di...

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...rlier said, a relatively safe depiction, where it is not questioning any norms, but creating them. The age was early and therefore, true experiments with darkness of character would not have worked. This is the starting point of a study on antiheroes as the good bad-guy entered and was loved.
The important point to note from this analysis would be that not only is it the time this movie was made in that has influenced the character of the anti-hero, it is also the fact that there is no villain against whom he is pitted. There is never any scope for him to indulge in any violence, or scheming and plotting. The most he does is run away from the police, which he does without harming them, just being quicker. He never threatens, or argues, or even speaks in raised volumes (except for the one instance). Except for his line of work, he is whiter than even the white-hat.

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