Employee Code Of Ethics: Company X

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Code of Ethics – Company X
The following information is to be carefully reviewed by all persons employed with Company X.
I. Standards and Procedures
1. Employees should conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times while in the workplace. Inappropriate words or insinuations will not be tolerated.
2. All employees must follow the dress code and wear appropriate business casual attire. Body tattoos and piercings will be covered at all times.
3. Employees should always act in the best interest of our clients. This includes safeguarding any client information that is not public knowledge.
4. Employees should take ownership of his or her work and promote opportunities for growth.
5. All employees must practice integrity and honesty in all areas of the business. Avoid partaking in any activity that could have a negative effect on the company’s image.
6. Employees should participate in any professional education courses and training sessions provided by the company. Company courses will be assigned as needed and employees will be provided a deadline to complete such courses.
7. Refrain from engaging in interoffice dating and/or sexual relationships.
8. Employees should always work according to their scheduled times and refrain from taking unapproved overtime. Regular tardiness and unexcused absences will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
9. Employees should encourage their coworkers to embrace the Code of Ethics and report any knowledge of others not adhering to the Code of Ethics. Any information provided to management will remain confidential and retaliation toward the informant is prohibited.
I. Training and Professional Development
To assist in the development of skilled workers at Company X, all employee...

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...loyment in this workplace.
III. Review and Improvement
Management has a system in effect that will monitor the claims process and keep it working collectively for all employees. Each quarter, management will review the existing policies and procedures for ethics training and reporting and suggest areas for improvement. The use of the website for reporting claims of misconduct can also be used as a suggestion box. A link has been provided so that employees can anonymously make suggestions for the improvement of the ethics training system. Any reasonable suggestions will be given the utmost consideration and will be implemented upon the unanimous agreement of management. Programs found to be ineffective will be removed. The removal or implementation of programs will be discussed in training sessions so that trainee feedback can be taken into account, as well.

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