Effective Classroom Management Woundschenk Miner And Nastally

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Effective Classroom Management
Mundschenk, Miner, and Nastally (2011), use an analogy to compare the duties of an air traffic controller to those of an educator in their classroom. For example, the air traffic controllers must use simple commands to direct the pilots, the same way teachers must use concise and simple instructions to direct their students through several lessons and activities. They describe the different strategies and techniques teachers can implement in their classrooms to help their students remain engaged and reduce challenging behaviors. Also, they address the benefits of each of the strategies mentioned. They focus on how teachers can help avoid or manage challenging behaviors from children with emotional behavioral disorders (EBD). Some strategies include: setting clear limits, allowing students to self-monitor their academic as well as behavioral progress, using simple directions, teaching students to request breaks, …show more content…

The techniques and strategies are also in concert with NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct (2005) because they help teachers manage their student’s challenging behaviors without “participating in practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating to children” (p.3). According to the Florida Department of Education (2014), educators “shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement” (para. 11). The antiseptic bouncing technique ties in with this principle because it decreases challenging behaviors by removing the student out of the setting and giving him/her time to relax, rather than letting the challenging behavior intensify, calling him/her out, and exposing the student to “unnecessary

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